#eBook Evil Donald in Harmonia by Theodore K. Nasos

Evil Donald in Harmonia

A political allegory that takes you far-far way to the Blue-Red Kingdom and a powerful wizard returning from exile "Donald the Risen."

But beneath the surface of this tranquil land, shadows stirred. In the far corners of the kingdom, a rumor began to spread like wildfire, a rumor of a powerful wizard returning from exile. He called himself "Donald the Risen." Whispers in taverns and market squares claimed he had come to restore the kingdom to its “former greatness,” speaking of an age that never truly existed.

He whispered tales of secret betrayals and hidden plots within the Council. With each passing day, the kingdom became more divided, neighbor turned against neighbor, old alliances crumbled, and faith in the Queen’s leadership waned.

Theodore K. Nasos, a strongly opinionated philosopher of the desk, the office and the park ready to argue and challenge any opinion and fascism; traditionally anti-fascist, agnostic and rebel, growing more obstinate and imaginary with age, in his seventh decade.

Ovi eBook Publishing 2024

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