#eBook The Bending of the Twig by Michael Wood

The Bending of the Twig

Early in the morning of the hot July day there had been a sea-mist, and the fog lay on the horizon like a rolled banner gleaming with ineffable tints of opalescent purple.

The glassy sea was purest blue, save where the shimmering paths of the currents shone silver-white or where the lap and fret of waves at the cliff foot made the water pink with Devon earth.

The weed on the rocks glowed orange-brown in the dazzling light, and the dark line of the low-flying shag gave the only sombre touch to the brilliant hues of land, sea, and sky.

Note: This story is founded on fact. That is to say, although it is mine as regards characters and incidents, the motif, the clairvoyance of the child, is true. The drastic methods which were employed for the repression of the gifts of the luckless little seer are also facts, and that is the reason I wrote the story.

In Public Domain
First Published 1916
Ovi eBook Publishing 2025

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