#eBook The Gold Wulfric by Grant Allen

The Gold Wulfric

There are only two gold coins of Wulfric of Mercia in existence anywhere. One of them is in the British Museum, and the other one is in my possession.

The most terrible incident in the whole course of my career is intimately connected with my first discovery of that gold Wulfric. It is not too much to say that my entire life has been deeply coloured by it, and I shall make no apology therefore for narrating the story in some little detail.

I was stopping down at Lichfield for my summer holiday in July, 1879, when I happened one day accidentally to meet an old ploughman who told me he had got a lot of coins at home that he had ploughed up on what he called the "field of battle," a place I had already recognized as the site of the Mercian kings' wooden palace.

Charles Grant Blairfindie Allen, born February 24, 1848 and died October 25, 1899, was a Canadian science writer and novelist, educated in England. He was a public promoter of evolution in the second half of the nineteenth century.

In Public Domain
First Published 1887
Ovi eBook Publishing 2025

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