#eBook The peak of a sparrow by Olivia Mendez

Beneath the sheltering embrace of a forest that seemed endless, with trees as old as time and leaves that whispered stories in the wind, a small sparrow sat on a slender branch.
Her name was Serin, and unlike the other birds of the forest, she was always gazing upward, toward the distant peaks that rose far beyond the treetops, beyond even the clouds.
The other sparrows fluttered about their business, flitting from branch to branch, chattering cheerfully about food, family, and the daily rhythms of life.
But Serin’s eyes were always drawn elsewhere.
Olivia Mendez writes all kinds of stuff, even contemporary thoughts and opinions. Most of the time she writes fiction, sometimes for teenagers. She has even helped in a graphic novel. Her biggest achievement is been a mother of two.
Ovi eBook Publishing 2024
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